No Deposit, No Return

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; But the things which are not seen are eternal.” – 2 Corinthians 4: 18

Many times we hold on to the temporal at the expense of the eternal. Temporal things are subject to decay, subject to being lost, subject to change. When I sow into the Kingdom of God, I am sowing into something eternal. I have not only advanced God’s kingdom but I have also increased my heavenly deposit. When I do that, an expansion takes place on the inside of me. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the expansion. When you begin to seize the opportunities to give out of a motive of love for God, He expands you and puts within you the ability to receive a return. He also gives you the strength to retain that harvest. He will begin to give you opportunities to make deposits in other people or ministries. In the natural, you cannot claim a return from a company you didn’t invest in. Likewise, you cannot claim a harvest unless you plant a seed.

I used to be a Cub Scout. On the way to our meetings from school, if we went the long route, we could go down a street that was near the old tennis courts and find glass pop bottles that people had discarded. There happened to be a store not far from there you could buy candy and bubble gum. I mean those were the days! You could take those bottles to the store and get $0.05 apiece for them. But today if you pick up a bottle and read it, it says, “No deposit, no return.” If we make no deposit into the Kingdom of God, there will be no return.

The greatest motivation for giving is love. When I love God I can give to him cheerfully. It is a delight to give to him, not a chore. That motivation of love produces a response of giving as a form of worship. It is a sacrifice that is well pleasing to God if love for our Father is the true motive. When His love consumes me then my giving is a delight. God’s response when we deposit into things of eternal value is to give us a return. The return might not be money or material things; It could be an opportunity to witness or to help someone in need. He will give you opportunities to sell both inside and outside of the church service. Tomorrow, from the moment that you open your eyes, God will send you opportunities that will allow you to sow a seed of love and will allow you, in return, to reap a harvest. You must choose to sow; He won’t make you. Remember, no deposit, no return.


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