The God Directed Faith Series

It has been a great opportunity to have three consecutive services in order to do this short series. It has been exciting to receive some fresh revelation about operating in the arena of faith. The just are supposed to live by faith, not just occasionally, but daily. The difference between living by faith and using your it occasionally  is like the difference between being a professional athlete and a week-end warrior. We live by our faith. It is a daily process based on our relationship with God.

We should be wrapping the series up tonight (Wed. Oct. 5). I hope to encourage people to allow God to direct them in the use of their faith. We too often shoot far too low. He will always do better for us because He has our best in mind. He also lacks the limitations that our minds place on His power.

What we should not take away from this teaching is that we are limited in any way from finding a promise in God’s Word  and going for it. As long as a person has an ongoing relationship with the Spirit of God the Bible will be God speaking to them. If, on the other hand, a person is approaching the Word as they would a worldly contract there are some adjustments that need to be made. If you remove the Presence from the promises you end up with form and religion.

The mixture of the Presence of God and the Promises of God make up an explosive mixture. Let’s let God do His job (that is being God). He is in charge, and if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness, He will add all the things we need to us. In that way, the blessings will be following us, we won’t need to follow them!


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