Time to Reactivate Your Faith

We all have been given the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). The question is not whether we have faith, but are we using it. This is a time that we need to stir our faith up. We need to remember what we were believing God for and pick it back up in order to reactivate our faith.

Make certain that what you are believing for was provided you at Calvary because if grace hasn’t provided it, your faith cannot obtain it. If your are sure about that then get your faith reactivated.

Sometimes it is a matter of us getting busy with other things. Maybe we are not being vigilant about using our faith. Whatever the reason you dropped a faith project begin to believe God again.  Then watch Him do great things on your behalf. The only thing standing between you and reactivating your faith is making a decision to do it. So, do it!


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