Looking Forward to a New Year

With Christmas recently behind us and the New Year just ahead I think it’s a good time to remember the good things that took place this year. We have had many souls saved this year. I don’t know how many people answered altar calls in services at Calvary this year, but hardly a service has gone by that someone didn’t give their heart to the Lord. We have seen over 1200 won to Jesus in the Operation STITCHES outreach alone. We distributed food to well in excess of 500 families. We have witnessed many miracles and healings take place in the services. There have also been instances of people praying for the sick at work or at school and seeing the miracle working power of God in operation.

There have been a lot of great services where we heard great messages and have seen the gifts of the Spirit in manifestation. So, we have lots to be thankful for. This year, while not without challenges, also saw the Raise the Roof fund started. I love that it started with a word given to someone in the congregation. To date, the amount raised is over $235, 000.00!

I’m looking forward to 2012. We will see great things as we move forward in faith, hope, and love. God will restore, revive, and amaze us again this year as we continue to seek Him. I pray that you will have the greatest year ever because THE BEST IS YET TO COME!


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