Designed to Conquer

Look at Leviticus 20:24,

“But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other people.” (emphasis added)

According to the Brown-Driver-Briggs lexicon, the word “inherit” is from the original Hebrew, yarash, meaning, “to seize, dispossess, take possession off, inherit, disinherit, occupy, or to be an heir.”

God has set the body of Christ in battle formation to secure what He has for them to inherit. That means that you need to strap on the full armor of God, soldier! You are going to have to dispossess the enemy because he is a squatter on your land. There is somebody occupying your property! Receiving this kind of inheritance requires some effort on your part. You are not going to receive it without a fight.

True believers have a unique quality: they like a good fight. I am talking about a spiritual fight. When you are confident about using your weaponry, when you are sure that the Greater One is on the inside of you, you will have a different perspective on the battles you face. Nothing will satisfy a soldier of the cross until they actively partake in what God has designed for them to do. You are designed with gifts, weapons, and talents. You are designed to use those resources in the field of battle which He is called you to fight in. Nothing will ever satisfy you until you use the weapons that God has provided you!

You cannot win wars by simply maintaining a position. An army that is not advancing is an army that is headed for defeat. After a victory, you must avoid the temptation of laying down your weapons to rest. There will be many battles during the life of a believer – not just one! No matter the number of victories you have, until the trumpet blows, there are still souls to be saved, prayers to be prayed, offerings to be given, and works to be done.

You cannot allow yourself to assume a defensive posture. You cannot say, “I have gone this far. This is where I will build a fortress. I am going to defend this particular doctrine or that one. I like it here.” Once you say this you will find out that you have not built a fortress but a tomb. In the Word there were continual opportunities for men and women of God to say, ‘I quit! I am staying right here.’ But the successful ones pressed on and did not give in to that temptation; they kept pressing the battle!

To enjoy this entire message you can get your own copy of Mark’s Book, Press the Battle on Amazon.


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