Welcome to a New Level

Have you ever watched kids play video games? The early levels of the game start out with mediocre weapons and weak enemies to fight. But every time you step up to a new level, the enemies become more intimidating and difficult to defeat. Eventually, you get to the top level and there is one huge, hairy demon that you must fight. You understand what I am talking about. It is the most formidable foe that you face in the video game. Joyce Meyer says it this way, “New level, new devil.” Welcome to a new level! Every time you come into a higher plane with God you will have some new enemies to defeat. 

I am telling you, choose today what you are going to do. Will you go in farther and possess what God has for you? Or will you back off and say, “Hey, this has been great. We have experienced revival, and it has been powerful, but I have had all the revival and refreshing I want, thank you.” You can only make it to the next level when you persevere. It is a choice whether to keep going or to quit.

At each new level there will be new challenges, so be ready soldier. There will always be opportunities to overcome but you can make it with God’s help. Let me encourage you; press on to the higher level. Your greatest victories lie ahead. Once you start to press the battle the enemy will begin to actively resist you. You must learn to counter this if you are to go up to the level God wants you to achieve. 


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