Trust to the End

“We are little more than a tame imitation without his Presence. We will only be a force in the world when we are once again clearly, and dangerously, the People of the Presence.” -Terry Wardle

So where does that leave us and how do we go forward? I started this book with the story of my stepfather’s involvement in the invasion of France. That story was perhaps the most dramatic of his lifetime, but he was not a person immune to pressing the battle. After the war, he won and lost fortunes, owned businesses, invested in real estate, fought a battle with cancer (which he won), and served his church. The years that I spent with him were influential in my own walk with the Lord; his nature was one of forgiveness and endurance. He also taught me the trade of bricklaying which was something he worked in up until his death of natural causes. It was in that business that I learned from him the most valuable lesson about pressing the battle: Trusting in God.

We had a small construction company, with just enough equipment that it all fit in the back of a pickup. I remember one big job that we received; we were going to lay the brick of a 5-story church. This size of job requires the use of a mixer, scaffolding, and a large crew; we had none of these things! It was a family business and we never had more than 4 or 5 people working in the company. To my stepfather though, this never mattered. He had developed a trust that God would provide what we needed.
We stood on Philippians 4:19, “But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

We started out with just that pickup truck loaded with our equipment and our small crew, but you know what? As we continued to believe God, the money for scaffolding, a mixer, and manpower came in and we were able to finish that job; even when a storm destroyed the work, forcing us to start over, We got it done, praise God! God showed Himself strong as we stayed faithful to his promises. Time and time again these acts of faithfulness manifested in my stepfather’s business and life, and he expected them to happen.

This is what I want to leave ingrained in your spirit: Trust in the promises of the Father. Do not look at the circumstances around you and say, “My situation is terrible, and I will be overcome.” No! Instead, you must live with a childlike trust that God has already promised you everything you need according to His riches and glory! It says in Ephesians 1:3,“Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ;”

This is our Father in heaven. He has already given us these spiritual promises! As we walk them out, believing in His ability to manifest them, we can trust that He will give us all these things, because He is a real father. A real father will keep his promise. It says in Romans 8:32,“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

Remember that no matter the circumstance, no matter the failures or shortcomings you face, there is a God who has your success in mind. The success of His kingdom on this earth is connected to your success and He will provide for you. Whenever you press the battle trust in Him! Be like a child and depend upon Him!

As we press our battles in the kingdom, as we continue to advance and take ground, do not forget He gives us the victory because He has already won! We may have to fight here on this earth to advance the kingdom, we may have to push back into the enemy’s territory, we may have to resist the counterattacks, but bless God, we already have seen the back of the Book and it says we win!

With this as our assurance I tell you that it is our time Church! It is our time child of God! Let us use our weapons mightily against our adversary. Like never before, Let us press forward with our banner lifted high in agreement with Romans 8:31,

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”


To enjoy this entire message you can get your own copy of Mark’s Book, Press the Battle on Amazon.


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