Presence of God Quotes

Nothing will change your life quicker than a divine encounter with the presence of God. His presence is all encompassing and demands your attention. Throughout the generations there have always been believers who sought the face of God and received from Him. Let us be among those who will not settle for a Christian life void of His presence but will pursue Him with all our heart. Let the quotations below sink deep into your spirit and stir in your heart a greater desire for God.

“The purpose of God’s wondrous stories is to draw you into the passionate pursuit of more of His presence.” –Bill Johnson

“I am a most noteworthy sinner, but I have cried out to the Lord for grace and mercy, and they have covered my completely. I have found the sweetest consolation since I made it my whole purpose to enjoy His marvelous Presence.” – Christopher Columbus

“I live in the faith that there is a Presence and Power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine. I know that this Presence is All knowing and All Power and is Always right where I am.” – Ernest Holmes

“The success of God’s work through you is intimately related to the reality of His presence with you.” – Unknown

“I want the presence of God Himself, or I don’t want anything at all to do with religion…I want all that God has or I don’t want any.” – Tozer

“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


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