Approaching the Presence with Reverence

What a great Sunday we just had. There was a powerful presence of God that accompanied both services. We need to keep the prophetic word in mind that “It is marveling time.”  God is doing things at which we will marvel.

Along that line, keep in mind that the appropriate response to a word from the Lord is to pay attention to it and to give it weight spiritually speaking. We need to watch treating the supernatural like it was common. The operation of tongues and interpretation was manifest in the evening service along with latecomers strolling in as though we were doing the announcements. I am sure that they were not aware of what was being done. At least, I hope they were not aware! Tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophetic words etc., are all manifestations of God speaking to us. The appropriate response is that we stop in our tracks and focus totally on what is being said.

If we treat the things of the Spirit with reverence and respect, we can expect to experience continued and greater manifestations in the future. The great news is that the Spirit of God is moving in our services. The presence of God is being manifested. We are experiencing a freshness that comes along with His presence. Revelation knowledge is coming forth. And, I am thanking God for Mike’s miracle. He received healing in the arm that was injured in an accident at work. He was unable to raise it more than a few inches from his side. During prayer time he received an instantaneous healing and regained full motion. Awesome God!


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