
  • The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious.  – Ted Levitt
  • If something has been done a particular way for fifteen or twenty years, it’s a pretty good sign, in these changing times, that it is being done the wrong way. -Elliot M. Estes
  • Habits and attitudes become deep rooted in our lives and we want to change, but to change we must have the power of God.  Real change is supernatural. – Mark Hankins
  • You are not changed unless you are doing something different.
  • Changes will not take place unless you have an encounter with the presence of God.
  • It will take more than just good intentions; it will take you having a head on collision with the glory of God.  You know you hit something.  You can not have an encounter with the glory of God and remain the same.
  • Like the caterpillar to a butterfly.  Where once you were crawling, now you are flying.  It is not only a radical change, but it is a permanent change.  You are so changed that you don’t ever go back to what you used to do and what you used to be.  Change from glory to glory.
  • Andrew Carnegie, at one time one of the wealthiest men in America, he had 43 millionaires working for him.  None of them were millionaires when they started working for him.  But he was a master at training people how to prosper.  And so they asked him, how do you do this?  Here is what Andrew Carnegie told them.  He said, shaping a man and changing someone is like seeking for gold.  He said you have to move tons of dirt to find an ounce of gold.  But he said you are not looking for dirt, you are looking for gold.
  • People stop growing when the price gets too high. -John Maxwell

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