Discerning the Unseen

Look at how many times the children of Israel had a victory and how God caused them to continue to keep pursuing. He took them to the river; they crossed the river. He led them to Jericho; the walls came crashing down. God would not allow them to stay in Jericho because there was much more land to be taken. They had seen a tremendous miracle. The walls came down and God commanded everyone saying, ‘The walls are going to come down and you are going to go straight into the city. You are not going to find a breach. You are not going to look for a gate. I am going to knock the wall down for you and then you are to go, every man, straight into the city—straight into your possession.’

I believe that promise for you too! God is going to knock walls down for you! You will enter into your inheritance. You will possess what God has given you. Walls of resistance, sickness, lack, discrimination, and disappointment are about to come down in your life!

Wouldn’t it have been foolish for the children of Israel, at that point, to say, ‘Let us lay down our weapons right now and let us start the Church of the “Fallen Wall denomination?”’ You might laugh at this and think it is silly, but this is exactly what believers today are doing. People are settling on one particular “facet” of the Word that they hear and building their lives around it when they need the full counsel of God and the Holy Spirit to guide them. In Daniel 11:32 we read,the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

There is a time to celebrate. There is a time to shout, dance, and praise the Lord. We can always have a praise break. What I am talking about is that we don’t let one victory or revelation cause us to think that what we have is all there is. There is always more. God has infinitely more than we could ask or think. Let’s keep pursuing all that God has for us!

In the last days, the Church’s victory will be dependent upon discernment. Your victory is dependent upon your discernment. Now, let us look back at Joshua and the children of Israel as they are about to engage in the first battle to secure the Promised Land.

We read in Joshua 5:13, “And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?”

That is an intimidating sight! I am so glad that Joshua did not cower back and say, “Oh my, the enemy has come! Let us throw in the towel right now!” No, Joshua was a warrior; he walked right up to him. Do you know why? Because he was a believer and he was armed! A believer who is armed for battle knows who they are in Christ. They know the power of the blood of Jesus. They do not look at circumstances and situations to tell them whether they need to continue holding on, they just press the battle. The enemy is no match for you if you press the battle!

Come on! It is time to stop letting fear and intimidation keep you from what God has for you. You have not because you ask not. Some of us have been too intimidated to even venture to ask. Even if the answer is no, it won’t prove lethal! You were created for victory! You were created for advancement! You can press the battle against all the junk life has thrown your way!

 When we use the weapon of the name of Jesus and when we quote the written Word, the enemy is already on the run. We are not moved by what we see. We are looking at the eternal.

It says in 2 Corinthians 4:18, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

You can begin right now to focus on the power of God and the favor you have in Him. This is the time to get the sword out of its sheath and start to press the battle on the enemy. Take the Word of God and begin to speak it with authority over your situation. If you don’t know what it says about your situation – find out! God’s word coming out of your mouth will carry the same authority and power as it did when He spoke it! You have the power to press the battle over your adversaries. Life’s problems do not have to be more than temporary. 

No guts, no glory. No battle, no spoil! PRESS THE BATTLE!

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