Notes from Tuesday Night College and Career Prayer (10/05/10)

This life I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God.

We are contending for the gospel. This congregation will not let go. We contend for the revival. We will not let go. Move Holy Ghost move. Move in our midst. Do great things. Yes, to the Holy Ghost. Yes, to manifestation. If you do not move we will not go. You can move through me. You can use my vessel. No mocking spirit. No inhibitions. Stick with Jesus. Though none go with us, still we will follow. We will be people of breakthrough. The movement of Your Spirit will not be hindered.

Enough is enough. We’re not asking permission to have revival. There is nothing little about the Holy Ghost. Why sit we here? What is this room anyway? Why sit we here ‘til we die? We should give the Holy Ghost access to His own church.

Living and active, not dead and dry. What is living and active?

We refuse to bind what He has loosed. We will not do without. We will have what you want us to have. You will fill the hungry. You will fill the thirsty. We will not be the clog in the line. We will be free of hindrance. We will be free of hindrance. We will loose it. There is more than enough. You hand is not shortened. There is no missed connection from your hand to us. Flood the city from this place. We will yield faithfully to you. Free the flow. Bigger than us. Bigger than our ideas. Let the river flow unhindered. Remove blockages. Remove barriers. Big and wide river.  Big and wild river.


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