Persistent Pursuit

If you are a believer who is ready for battle, then you love a good fight. You are ready to send the devil scurrying one more time. You are going to cause the light of God’s Word to shine into the darkness. You are going to lift the Name of Jesus—at which every demon trembles—and you are going to stand in the authority of the believer. You are not going to allow the devil to have your prayer life, your ministry, or your family. You are going to say, “Devil, no! I am going to press the battle!”

It says in James 4:7,

”…Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

The devil is a coward! He is defeated! The Bible says in Colossians 2 that Jesus has taken the devil’s weapons, brought them to naught, and destroyed them! So when we press the battle against him, he goes on the retreat.

Speak this out by faith: “I will not be passive concerning my pursuit of God; instead I will be passionate. I will be persistent and I will pursue. Even when I encounter resistance I will not stop in my pursuit of the things of God.”


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