Preach it with Simplicity

I’ll be honest, I don’t always enjoy coming to church. There are times when staying at home or doing something else sounds appealing. There have been a few times in the past decades that I have been in a service that was dragging on and on thinking, “Get me outta’ here!” The vast majority of time this is not the case. I have found it to be of great value to have a regular pattern of church attendance. I need the teaching of the Word and the fellowship of other believers. Then there are those services that make a life changing impact. You are thankful that you were there and not someplace else. Pastor had words that were “just for you.”

Young preachers, in particular, should take a good look at what F. B. Meyer said about preaching. Make it a point to preach the Word and do it with simplicity. Like someone told me, “It is better to drive one point home than to leave three on base.”

F. B. Meyer on Preaching with Simplicity

He is a successful preacher who manages to present one great conception before his people each time he addresses them, so that, as they break from the spell of his influence, they may be possessed by one thought, inspired by one motive, and compelled toward one act.

Form your message around one thought and let it burn itself into the heart and mind of your hearer.

In the first one or two paragraphs state the truth you have discovered in the text.  Illustrate and enforce it by references to the world which men know so well.

Cut out everything that detracts from the main point.  Cut out every piece of needless rhetoric.

If we will do this, we can deliver the truth and keep people coming back for more!


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