Things I’ve Learned Leading Revival Services 4

Refuse offense of any kind

There will always be opportunities to be offended with people.  Even in the middle of a great move of God people are people.  Offense will short circuit the blessings of God.  The Proverbs say that contention comes through pride.  Offense by any other name is still offense.  So, when faced with being offended you need to check your own heart for pride.  On the positive side having a proper dose of self-respect is healthy, but too much and the result is a sense of superiority.  This kind of pride will always produce friction with others.  You can call it being frustrated or being upset but it is still offense.  Just love people, don’t judge them.  Jesus did not come into the world to condemn people and neither should we.

God is bigger than whatever happens

Remember that when difficulties arise or challenges come with schedule conflicts or location changes that God knew about all of it before you did.  He is not troubled by it so don’t you be. You can waste a lot of time and energy being upset or you can take it in stride knowing that if He knew about it all along that He has a plan to fix it.  With this attitude you can wade through the attacks without letting them affect with the ministry.  Most of the things we are offended by won’t even be a thought six days from now anyway.  Forget it and move on. This is a good thing to keep in mind whether you are married or have children.  Is this really something that really matters?  Stay focused on what is important.  By refusing to stay offended we will stay on track.


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