Things I’ve Learned Leading Revival Services 5

Preach the Word

When you analyze what many preachers are saying there is very little Word content.  Is using a verse or two to preface your remarks actually preaching the Word?  If we are using the Word to prove our point (proof texting) rather than discovering what God is saying and preaching that seems like a misuse of the Bible.  It is the Word of God that is transformational not our opinions.  Interject the Word into your conversations and God’s power becomes available.  The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation.

Our families need to hear God’s Word.  Our spouses need to hear what scripture says.  The Word of God coming out of our mouths will bring change in every situation.  Paul’s admonition to Timothy was “preach the word!”  The Word is always in season.  The Word will bring change into your life.  Preach it!  Confess it!  In the words of singer/song writer David Hinton, “Keep your opinions to yourself . . . give me some Word.”


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