Things I’ve Learned Leading Revival Services 6

Keep the fire burning in your own heart

You are responsible for keeping the fire of God burning in your own heart.  No one else can be hungry for you.  No one else can obey God for you. You must do what it takes to stay hungry for more of God.  On of the best ways to do that is by talking to people who are excited about revival. Talk about the great things that God is doing. It stirs me up when my revival buddies tell me about what God is doing.  When you share your testimony with others who are hungry it renews in you what God has done. Talking about it keeps it fresh.

Paul told Timothy to “kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (Stir up, KJV). The Greek word translated “kindle,” according to Thayer, is based on the word ζάω, zaō, meaning “to be among the living.”  Our testimony helps us to keep our experience of God “among the living.” Talking to others about what God has done keeps it alive or kindles afresh those experiences.

Your life influences the lives of those around you.  Your friends and family are affected by your hunger. By staying on fire for the Lord Jesus you are helping to keep their fire lit.  It is difficult to estimate the impact that a single individual can have on their local congregation but it is great.  If God did it before and you want more of it – testify to it.  In doing so you will not only keep yourself on fire for God but those around you as well.


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