Things I’ve Learned Leading Revival Services 7

Have peace and go with the flow

Don’t be in a hurry – have patience. The Spirit of God leads us, He doesn’t herd us like cattle.  People get antsy about silence in a church service.  They are wondering, “Why doesn’t someone do something?”  We do not need to have fireworks going off every five minutes.  The supernatural is not always spectacular. I have seen God move into a service and a holy hush come over the congregation and it will not be long before someone shatters the moment because they read the quiet as nothing happening.  Or, someone takes the moment as being time for a prophetic word.

There is, of course, a time for the gifts of the Spirit to flow, but beware of the assumption that every silence needs to be filled with someone talking.  What about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  We should believe that He can touch people and do things completely independently of the preacher or anyone else being involved.

If you are leading revival meetings be watchful during the services, don’t let someone else drain off the anointing or use your anointing to “preach” their message or do their own thing.  Shut them down.  Take the mic back and pray for them or interrupt them, but don’t let someone high jack the anointing.

I was in my pastor’s office after a service during the Rodney Howard-Browne meetings at our church in 1993. Pastor Rick Shelton was there and he mentioned that Kathryn Kuhlman said, “The number one ingredient to flowing in the Holy Spirit is patience.”  We need to leave space for the Holy Spirit to operate. He is doing something in every life. He is moving touching people as we speak. Sometimes we need to be quiet and let Him do what He wants to do.


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