Year of Fulfillment!

The New Year arrived just over a week ago now, but it feels like we have stepped into a rushing river. We are being swept along at an incredible rate. It seems like we have been in 2011 much longer than we actually have!

Something has changed, many things actually. It seems that when the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31 we stepped into a new era. Things that Lisa and I have been waiting for immediately came to pass. Boom! We stepped into a greater dimension of the plan of God for our lives; our family did too.

Things have sped up. Dreams, visions, and desires of the heart are coming to pass this year at an unprecedented pace.

Luke 16:16 says, “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presses into it.”

Your destiny just picked up speed! Some of the things you have desired for a long time, God things, are moving to fulfillment. Just like the Magi’s caravan was moving to supply Mary, Joseph, and the infant Jesus, everything you need is moving at you in the unseen realm.

We are in a period at Calvary that we need to rejoice! Good things are beginning to happen. We need to be happy people! Fulfillment is a great thing. Some of you have been holding on to promises for a long time – press on in!

Romans 8:25 NASB  But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.

Hope is that positive anticipation that is produced by faith. Because faith believes that it receives without physical evidence we can rejoice even before we see what we are receiving. Get your hopes up!
Since God wants to fulfill dreams and desires of the heart, it would be a good idea to start digging around in there to see what hopes have been abandoned. Dust off those desires and start to believe again. He only gave you them to you so that He could fulfill them.

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