Youth and Jr. High Ministry

Just thought you should know that Youth Ministry is alive and well at Calvary. There have been questions about who is leading, etc. The answer to that is twofold, Jr. High and High School Youth are under my ministry portfolio for oversight and the individual services are being conducted by a team of veteran volunteers. These teams are made  up of a great cross section of our congregation. I am periodically visiting these services and conducting ongoing training sessions with the workers. We are following the pattern that Children’s Ministry has practiced for years with the use of team teachers and helpers. Things are going well. We have had modest growth in attendance in the Youth service and Jr. High remains strong. Both groups are involved in a series on the Holy Spirit right now. There have been several young people who have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. I will post again with more information later. Check back to receive updates and testimonies about what is happening and who is preaching when. Blessings!


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