Fighting the Fight

In the spiritual world we see a stark contrast to what my stepfather and the Allied armies faced in 1944. We have already been given the victory through Jesus, we have domination over the enemy and we have ability to do great exploits, yet we do not see the fruit of that being walked out. I want to share with you a great discrepancy I find in the body of Christ.

In our churches today, I see many believers becoming bored, frustrated, and complacent in their walks with God. They are not laying ahold of the overflowing abundant life they are promised. Why is that? And why do so many of these same people throw in the towel whenever the smallest of pressures comes there way? The answers to these questions are simple: They have laid down their weapons and are not pressing the battle. You must put actions to your faith and fight the good fight!

Pressing the battle is this: in the face of adversity, you keep confidently and boldly advancing; in the face of overwhelming circumstances, you keep going forward. Do the right thing, set your face like flint, trusting that He, the Father, will guide you. Fight the good fight and do not quit under any circumstance!

Because we have this charge, it is imperative that we learn how to press the battle against our foe, the devil; not once, or when we feel like it, but every time he comes up against you! Even when it seems like your anointing is gone and you feel as if you cannot go another step, you must press the battle. You will hear me say ‘press the battle’ many times throughout this booklet. I am hoping that it becomes so ingrained in your spirit that the next time you face a difficult situation that is the first thing you will say: Press the Battle!

It is time for we as the Church to take up the weapons of our warfare. We cannot lay down our weapons in this fight. God is searching for an end-time army. He is searching for people who are loaded with his Word and his Spirit, and who will not flee at the first sign of resistance.


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