Times and Seasons 1

(This is a series of blogs that build one upon another. Therefore, you should read them to better understand the concepts presented.)

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

These words resonate with me every time I read them.  Everything has a season.  Everything!  We need to ponder that statement.  Every parent knows that with the passing of time, seasons pass never to be reclaimed.  Our children are only children for so long.  Our parents are only with us for a season.  Outside of God everything around us is in a constant state of flux.

Get a clue!  Things will never be exactly the same again.  We need to labor while it is day.  We need to respond when God calls.  We need to give attention to our relationships while we can.  We need to “redeem the time.”

Everything in this life is passing away; only the eternal will remain.  Stop placing importance on the temporal.  Some things are to be used, some things are to be enjoyed, and other things we are to pass on by.

Seasons = a set time, an appointed time.

  • Childhood is a season.
  • School is a season.
  • College is a season.

There is a reason for every season.

  • Seasons of training can last until we learn the lessons.
  • Other seasons will pass us by regardless.

Understand that things in life are here only for a season. While we are told to keep our eyes on the unseen realm, we live in the seen realm where time is passing. We walk out the temporal with eternal values, but time moves on. We need to enjoy the passing of time with an eye on eternity. The eternal things are the unseen. They are the only things that we will enjoy forever.


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